
North Trip! {Part 1}

I'm back from the north trip. I have so many pictures to show you.

Some of you have asked me what classes I take that bring me onto these trips. I study architecture, so our studio in Rome has organized these integrated trips for us to explore the different aspects of architecture that Italy has to offer. The south trip was structured for us to experience Roman antiquity and this north trip is focused on exploring the urban armatures of the ideal cities.

Anyway, enough geeky architecture talk. We had a really busy schedule for the trip. We hit up 3 cities almost everyday.


The first place we went to was a tiny town called Pianze sitting on a hill in the beautiful landscape of Tuscany. This town has only one linear street. The Tuscan landscape is exactly what you see in paintings, but I was still surprised when I saw it. It was so surreal to be in such perfectly molded hills and valleys.



As soon as i walked into Siena, I fell in love with the city. It was freezing when we were there, but the sunshine in Piazza del Campo made everything okay. When we left Siena, we stopped by another hill town called Gubbio, the last images is some of my classmates sketching on top of the hanging garden. I thought the silhouette was beautiful.

These are only the first two days, make sure you come back and check the rest too!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like a wonderful place to be!

mina said...

i've really enjoyed scrolling through these pictures - really pretty stuff.

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