
{Roxton Road Parks} Wednesday, West of FH Park

Fred Hamilton Park Ossingnton Public School Yard Purple Cauliflower soccer field day care Cosmos

I was on a mission this afternoon. I had planned to work on my thesis abstract while enjoying a fine cup of coffee in a hip coffee shop, but to much of my disappointment, I forgot my wallet. What's better than coffee in a fine afternoon I thought? A walk in the park and neighborhood I'm so invested in would be pretty lovely. With my film camera in hand this time, I decided to walk west from the park this time. Crossing over George Ban Park, a saw a humble playground right across Ossington Avenue. As I approached it, the building next to it appeared to be a school. I later found out on Google it's the Ossington Junior Public School. I followed a side path between the end of the row houses and the playground and found myself in the back of the school in a lush school garden. There are small plots of gardens next to the school building, and across from those is a series of stepped gardens with a variety of vegetables neatly planted and labeled--kale, cauliflower, tomatoes and many of which I could not name. Turning a corner I found the space opened up and there are more stepped gardens to my left. To my right are the backyards of houses and in the middle of this open space situate another playground. The school seems quite; I guess it is because of the summer break, though the gardens are kept very well.

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